Date and Location
08:00AM ~ 11:00AM, Nov. 12th, 2021
(Singapore Time, GMT+8)
Fully Virtual in association with ICSR2021

Invited Speakers

Prof. Guy Hoffman homapage
Cornell University

Prof. Goldie Nejat homepage
University of Toronto

Dr. Dohyung Kim google scholar
ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)

Prof. Chien-Ming Huang homepage
Johns Hopkins University


Service robots need to be devised with social intelligence to be effortlessly integrated into our everyday lives. Service robots are intended to improve the quality of life as well as efficiency in human-robot interactive applications. Especially, human-care service robots are desired to be capable of robust and stable interaction with human users.

Our mission with this workshop is to share the ideas and experiences amongst participants with diverse backgrounds ranging from interaction design, social intelligence, decision making, task planning, and social psychology, and to encourage exploring how social AI for human-robot interaction can be applied to service robots for human-care in our daily lives. This workshop focuses on three social aspects of human-robot interaction of human-care service robots: (1) technical implementation of social AI, (2) form, function and behavior of human-care service robots and (3) human behavior and expectations as a means to understand the social aspects of interacting with these robots and products.

Topics of Interest

This workshop will focus on the current advances in the area of social human-robot interaction, social AI, social skills, and their applications including clinical evaluations, user studies exploring consumer acceptance of social robots, and so on. Papers are solicited on all areas directly related to these topics, including but not limited to:

  • Social perception and context awareness
  • Social expression and interactive behavior
  • Social task modelling and management
  • Social humanoid robot design
  • Human-robot interaction design
  • Emotion recognition and model design
  • Dialogue based interaction
  • User evaluation
  • Applications for healthcare, receptionist, education

Submission Guidelines

We invite submission of a 2-page extended abstract in the double-column IEEE Tran format. (Latex format is provided at templage@overleaf).

Please submit your manuscript by email to minsu(at) and hs.ahn(at)

We welcome submissions of previously published works related to the topics of interest of this workshop. We do not officially publish a proceedings, so you can submit and publish your work in other conferences or journals.

Important Dates
  • Paper submission: Nov. 1, 2021 [extended]
  • Notification of acceptance: Nov. 5, 2021
  • Workshop: November 12, 2021

Time (SGT Singapore)SessionSpeakerChair
08:00 - 08:15 Welcome / Opening Remarks Minsu Jang Minsu Jang
08:15 - 08:50 Invited Talk 1:
Life with Socially Assistive Robots: Intelligent Robots that Here to Help
Socially assistive robots are a unique disruptive innovation that will become a crucial part of everyday society, especially in a post-pandemic world. They will aid people with everyday tasks, improve quality of life, and meet the urgent and immediate needs of an aging population. This talk will present some of my group’s ( recent research efforts in developing intelligent and autonomous social robots to provide personalized care, and promote independence (aging-in-place) and overall wellbeing of older adults, including those living with dementia. In particular, we will discuss our Brian, Casper, Tangy, Blueberry, Salt and Pepper, and Luke and Leia socially assistive robots that are being designed to provide cognitive and social interventions, help with activities of daily living, and lead group recreational activities in human-centered environments through social human-robot interactions. These interactive robots can serve as assistants to individuals as well as groups of users, while learning to personalize their interactions to the needs of the users by using unique bi-directional affect and persuasive strategies. Numerous user studies conducted with older adults in care settings will also be discussed to highlight how these robots can effectively be integrated into people’s everyday lives to support person-centered care.
Goldie Nejat Minsu Jang
08:50 - 09:25 Invited Talk 2:
"Modeling, Learning, and Teaching Social Skills"
In this talk, I will present some of research projects from my group that explore 1) computational modeling of human social skills, 2) reinforcement learning of social behavior, and 3) how a social robot may teach social skills to children with ASD. I will use these projects to illustrate the complex, rich space of designing social AI for human-robot interaction.
Chien-Ming HuangHo Seok Ahn
09:25 - 09:50 Invited Talk 3:
Daily Activity Recognition of the Elderly for Human-care Robots
As part of the solutions to an aging society, research on elderly-care robots has been actively carried out around the world. In order for robots to understand the elderly and provide context-sensitive services, robotic intelligence technologies that can identify various human attributes is essential. Among them, human action recognition(HAR) is a fundamental technology to understand the intentions of human behavior and grasp the daily life patterns of human users. This talk addresses a practical action recognition method for elderly-care robots and introduces a real-world RGB-D dataset for robots to recognize daily activities of the elderly.
Dohyung Kim Minsu Jang
09:50 - 10:15 Invited Talk 4 (pre-recorded talk presentation)
Human-Robot Interaction Challenges in the Workplace
While there has been much research on HRI challenges in the context of the home and public spaces, many interaction issues arising from humans sharing their workplace with robots have not received as much focused attention. This talk highlights questions that arise around human-worker interaction in common workplaces, which should be of particular interest to HRI research, as much of the concern, both economic and societal, is surrounding the relationship between humans and robots at work. I will map challenges specific to the workplace and application areas for HRI at work, as well as highlight research in our lab that tackles some interaction issues that arise in the workplace.
Guy Hoffman Ho Seok Ahn
10:15 - 10:50 Paper Presentation Session
  1. Michał Stolarz, Aleksandar Mitrevski, Mohammad Wasil, and Paul Plöger, “Personalised Behaviour Model for Autism Therapy,” Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Sankt Augustin, Germany [paper][presentation]
  2. Hyeonuk Bhin, Yoonseob Lim and Jongsuk Choi, “A Robot Framework Design for Human-Robot Interaction with Task State Model in Real Environments,” Korea Institute of of Science and Technology, South Korea [paper][presentation]
  3. Norina Gasteiger, Ho Seok Ahn, Christopher Lee, JongYoon Lim, Bruce A. MacDonald, Geon Ha Kim, and Elizabeth Broadbent, “Developing assistive health robots for older adults: An international four-year project and participatory design case study,” The University of Auckland, New Zealand, and The University of Manchester, United Kingdom [paper][presentation]
  4. Miyoung Cho, Daeha Lee, Choulsoo Jang, Dohyung Kim, and Minsu Jang, “Real-World Verification of Human-Care Robot for the Elderly: A Preliminary Result,” Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea [paper]
  5. Deborah L. Johanson, Ho Seok Ahn, Bruce A. MacDonald, Byeong Kyu Ahn, Jong Yoon Lim, Christopher Lee, Eddie Hwang, Rishab Goswami, Kazuki Saegusa, and Elizabeth Broadbent, “The Effect of Attention, Humour, and Empathy Behaviours by a Healthcare Robot on User Perceptions and Behaviors,” The University of Auckland, New Zealand [paper][presentation]
10:50 - 11:00 Closing Remarks Ho Seok Ahn Ho Seok Ahn


Minsu Jang
ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)

Ho Seok Ahn
The University of Auckland

Jaehong Kim
ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)

JongSuk Choi
KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology)